Wednesday, July 29, 2009

4 ways to get thin – free

With obesity growing into a bigger concern daily and all around the world, the common sense regarding maintaining one’s healthy body weight is also on the rise. More and more people are looking for the ways to get thin free.

By now probably everyone knows that the only way to get thinner is to burn more calories than you consume. There are countless diets and food advices available online and offline, through books, courses and reality shows. They recommend – or tell you to stay away from certain kinds of foods, to take supplements, miracle liquids, powders and pills – and more.

More Weight Lost
Photo courtesy of Sam Knox

That’s why in this articles we will stay focused on ways to get thin – free.

1. Nutrition - keep it simple and natural
Not everyone likes every food or dish there is and that is perfectly fine. However, no matter what kind of fruits and vegetables and meats are your favorite, there is one thing to keep in mind: Stick with the natural foods as often as possible. Simply staying away from packaged (boxed, bagged, canned) foods, fast food creations and industrially prepared foods can do miracles for your body.

2. Keep moving
The result of many studies shows that obese people move a lot less than the thin ones do. Human body was created for moving, not sitting still hour after hour and day after day. Even the low grade activities, not meant as exercising can help you burn hundreds of calories every day – or tens of pounds per year. Some examples of Non-Exercise Activities are:
* gesturing while speaking,
* twirling hair,
* tapping fingers or feet,
* standing (instead of sitting),
* pacing (while talking on the phone or reading newspaper)

Enjoying a beach walk
Photo courtesy of Bеn

3. Drink your coffee and tea plain, avoid sugary and diet drinks
Stay away from sugar, milk and cream with your daily cup of coffee. Drink a cup of plain green tea often. It’s not only nutritious - high quality green tea leaves are said to be conductive to burning calories. Some sources even claim that the caffeine itself increases the calories spent metabolizing because of stimulating your body into movement.

4. Drink lemon juice in lukewarm water
Squeeze ½ to a whole lemon juice into a glass of lukewarm water first thing in the morning and drink it. I don’t exactly understand how that works for burning calories yet I know for sure it has many benefits just because of all the goodies that the lemon juice contains.

These are 4 ways to get thin – free.